
Java and UML

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  • #217548 Reply


    Hi all

    It has become very obvious to me that having UML knowledge and experience will help one’s career in our industry.

    That being said, I’m looking to pick up a good book that discusses UML and Java. I’ve seen plenty of books that discuss UML, but haven’t been able to settle on one that keeps the discussion in the Java realm.

    Can anyone recommend a book or two, from experience?

    #217553 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Do what I do, go to Amazon, drill down to the Java -> UML books (if it gets that detailed) and sort by rating and look at the first 1 or 2 pages to find a good book.

    P.S.> I don’t personally have a good Java/UML book.

    #217589 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    @bort wrote:

    It has become very obvious to me that having UML knowledge and experience will help one’s career in our industry.
    Can anyone recommend a book or two, from experience?

    the only practical UML book I’ve found – UML distilled.

    #217611 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    I’ll second UML Distilled by Martin Fowler. A definately practicle introduction to how to use UML effectively.

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