- This topic has 18 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 1 month ago by
Albatros78ParticipantHello Wayne,
I go back to you with the latest version of MB1 and also with latest version of my chart design software with JS
here I try a simple chart into iPad project, but the chart is not displayed.
In my zip file you can see a simple chart with the gauge1.html and cylinder1.html file.
2 simple charts into a browser (safari 5.0.3) with Javascript enabled.Take care if flash is supported by your browser, flash will be the defaut displaying for chart (if chart is running with flash, you will see a message “FusionWidget Trial”. This message is not displayed with javascript charting.
Oh, now I have modified my index.html & index_custom.js filesd. But the chart is not displayed into Safari !
Please could you help me on this issue !
Best Regards
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When I try index.html
Look at the error into my IE 8.0.7600.16385 64 bits
Hope this helps
support-michaelKeymasterHelp me understand the issue. Is it that your mobione webapp is crashing in a version of IE8?
Albatros78ParticipantYes it’s my webbapp from MB1
Crash on IE 8 and no chart displayed into Safari (no crash)
Original html files into my zip file works fine into safari & IE 8 but not my webapp
During the issue with IE 8 I receive a popup with the message “Out of memory at line:12”
Thanks for your help on this issue.
I’m waiting your feedback on my webapp issue
support-michaelKeymasterNo idea atm without dissecting the app which is seems confusing already with different browser info you are sharing. IE or safari problems are out of scope as they are not supported deployment environments. I will give a look at the operations on Test Center and mobile safari.
Albatros78Participant2 things Wayne,
Safari on my laptop is very usefull to test the webbapp before to upload files on website to test with my iPad
Also here 2 others crash files with my .mobi application into th GUI
I tried to run my .mobi application into th test center, but mb1 crash systematically.thansk for your help and return
Here the 2 others crash logs (probabalcy you can crash your mb1 also with my webapp )
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Albatros78ParticipantHello Wayne, Vadim
May be my issue to display again the chart into a panel object has some relations with my previous issue
Why the graph is not displayed into the panel object on my iPad but Ok into test center ?
Albatros78ParticipantHello Wayne, Vadim
May be my issue to display again the chart into a panel object has some relations with my previous issue
Why the graph is not displayed into the panel object on my iPad but Ok into test center ?
Albatros78ParticipantOups.. My previous zipped file is not complete.
Here the last one with all files to investigate
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Albatros78ParticipantHello Wayne,
I have a mobi project which crashes systematically when I try to run it into testcenter.
Need to send it to you ?
support-michaelKeymaster>I have a mobi project which crashes systematically when I try to run it into testcenter.
Yes, please.
Albatros78ParticipantZipped file too big … 1,2 Mb
I can post it to your email . I have it.. same email address ?
Albatros78Participantposted on your email..
Pls confirm reception by email .
support-michaelKeymasterApologies in advance as we have to box this bug up and defer it. Here’s the story:
Our team has been investigating this and there is a non-trivial issue at play here. The charting library you are using is obfuscated. We have stopped all key development to research it as far as we can atm and there is something creepy happening in the bowls of the js engine with the obfuscated code. It is causing the WebKit engine to crash because JIT compiler is choking on the obfuscated code. It is very hard to tell exactly as working with an obfuscated codebase is a major “suck”.
We are not able to invest more time working with this obfucsated library and resuming core development. If we can get clean source that would justify us pushing further. We are planning to upgrade the WebKit engine and hope this will resolve the problem with this library. But that upgrade is several months out as part of MobiOne 2.0.
Albatros78ParticipantHello Wayne,
OK. I contact the software company to see with them how is it possible to find a solution.
I sent them an email to suggest:
– Download a trial version of MB1
– Send my projectand try to see what’s happens from their code and why their code crashes MB1
Do you have some others recommandations for the third company to help them to investigate.
If they need to communicate with you (B2B) can I communicate your email address to go fast on this issue between your company and this other one?Thanks a lot