
JAX-WS Client, Enable Addressing, Submission specification

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  • #307536 Reply

    MyEclipse 8.5. I have added the @Addressing annotation to my web service client:

    @WebServiceClient(name = “ciIntegration”, targetNamespace = “http://www.cuppett.com/xml/schema/svcs/ci/integration”, wsdlLocation = “file:/C:/Users/stcupp/Desktop/ciIntegration-1.1.wsdl”)
    @Addressing(enabled=true, required=true)
    public class CiIntegration extends Service {

    However, I’m pretty sure this is using a much more recent version of the Addressing specification than the 200408 (submission specification). Later versions of the specification do not work with this web service.

    Am I enabling the addressing headers correctly? Is there a way to get different versions passed?

    #308192 Reply

    My original annotation was wrong. That is for the server. For the client you need to change the getPort call to look something like this:

    import com.sun.xml.ws.developer.MemberSubmissionAddressingFeature;

    public CIMarketingIntegrationServiceSoap getCIMarketingIntegrationServiceSoapPort() {
    return super.getPort(new QName(
    CIMarketingIntegrationServiceSoap.class, new MemberSubmissionAddressingFeature(true, true));

    For v200408. For v1.0 (200508), you’d use something like this:

    import javax.xml.ws.soap.AddressingFeature;

    public CIMarketingIntegrationServiceSoap getCIMarketingIntegrationServiceSoapPort() {
    return super.getPort(new QName(
    CIMarketingIntegrationServiceSoap.class, new AddressingFeature(true, true));

    #308210 Reply

    Hi cuppett,

    I have escalated this to the dev team member, they will get back to you on this.

    Chakri Vedula.

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