
Jboss- DataSource Problem

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  • #225753 Reply


    I have Jboss 4.0.1 and mysql4.1 and j2sdk1.4.2_07. i have deployed a ear file which contains 1 entity bean . I get the following errors when i start the server

    ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=ejb/Example/Story,service=EJB
    state: FAILED
    I Depend On:
    Depends On Me: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error: can’t find data
    source: java:/MySqlDS; – nested throwable: (javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:
    MySqlDS not bound)

    and in the browser i get following error

    java.rmi.ServerException: RuntimeException; nested exception is: java.lang.IllegalStateException: createBeanClassInstanceCommand == null

    Can somebody please help me with this problem .

    #225772 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, this is a generic deployment issue.

    Mukti, try and paste your ENTIRE console of startup messages and errors, sometimes way at the bottom will be an exception that will help describe what the problem is.

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