- This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 2 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
geminoMemberthis is not really a problem using myeclipse, more using the deployment finction together with JBoss 4.0.0 or also 4.0.1.
at first I PROMISE i had this application already running without errors and i changed NOTHING, not even deleted a single blank line in the sourcecode. but every time i want to deploy my project jboss does some differnet things. the best case is, if everything works fine. but especially when i redeploy my code or even delete the war file and deploy it new this happens. i know what to do, my only hope is to find somebody who solved this problem. here the cases what happen exactly:
CASE 1: JBoss says web.xml is missing even if the war file is fully deployed
CASE2: JBoss prints a lot of error messages
CASE 3: or the deployment works fine BUT if i want to start the application, JBoss says that the welcome action forward is missing even if there is the forward in the struts config filei dont want to place the full error.log here but at the following link you find all the messages:
i hope someone can help me because its no fin developing applications when these messages occure everytime, even if the project is (in my opinion) 100% correct programmed, and worked already withot errors!!
p.s. maybe it is a deployment problem on my system? i am running windows XP SP2, myeclipse 3.8.3, eclipse 3.0.1. the version control of my project is svn (but the errors also occur when the project order is not unter version control), java sdk version is 1.4_05, jboss version is 4.0.1 (also 4.0.0 does the same)
jboss is running in its standard condiguration, i changed nothing.
geminoMemberi forgot to write: i am using xampp to run a mysql server, because my project uses hibernate to connect to the databsase
everything runs on my local machine
geminoMemberits really strange. just now when i started my jboss server it did the deployment as there had never been errors. but i havent changed the deployed file since yesterday.
please help ! i’m even more confused than yesterday
Riyad KallaMemberMoving to OT > Soft Dev.
Do you need a J2EE container? Can’t you just use Tomcat? (Only need J2EE if you need EJB and/or read-write JNDI data source or something like that).
geminoMemberi am doing a project using hibernate and struts. this means i also use formbeans etc., theres no way not to use jBoss (or another application server).
maybe another application is in conflict with my jboss, because i’ve found no one else having such a problem…
Riyad KallaMemberi am doing a project using hibernate and struts. this means i also use formbeans etc., theres no way not to use jBoss
Nothing you listed there requires a J2EE container. The only reason you would need a J2EE container is if you are using EJBs; if you are not using EJBs and are relying on Hibernate for your persistence and Struts Actions and ActionForms for your processing then this can all be done with a servlet conatiner.
Scott AndersonParticipantgemino,
regarding your errors:
Case 1: Please verify that web.xml is included in the deployed jar and that jboss-web.xml is also included if you need it.
Case 2: Looks like a problem with the XML parser attempting to pull a DTD to verify your struts configuration file. Please reverify the DTD you’re referencing and see if you can pull it using your browser. The issue might have been a transient connection problem to the apache site.
Case 3: Looks like a struts-config.xml configuration error, as stated in the error message.
What I’d suggest is that you take a look at our Struts Quickstart in the Documentation section here:
http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.htmlSee if you can go through the example and get it to successfully run on JBoss. This will tell us if the issue is with your JBoss installation or with your particular application’s configuration.
geminoMemberCASE 2 thats it! the web.xml was there and also the struts.xml was correct. BUT (at the moment i think thats it) when i was disconnected from the internet the DTD files were not found. this caused that the qhole war file was not corredtly deployed.
and these different messages occured on different times because sometimes i deployed my file when i was online and used it when i was offline (with my notebook) and sometimes i deployed it when i was offline and used id offline….i hope that was the whole thing,….. at the moment it works fine again (as i am connected when i am deploying) 😉
Scott AndersonParticipantSounds like a fix. 🙂