
JBoss exploded deployment problem

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  • #225049 Reply


    I just started experiencing this and I don’t know how to correct it. I am deploying to a JBoss 3.2.6 server. I used to be able to explode a deployment and had no problem. The name of my enterprise application is Test and myeclipse is explode deploying it in C:\jboss-3.2.6\server\default\deploy\Test instead of C:\jboss-3.2.6\server\default\deploy\Test.ear which is how it used to. Now when I explode a deployment JBoss does not pick up or recognize the application. If I rename the “Test” directory to “Test.ear”, JBoss then starts validating and recognizing the application. Does anybody know how I can get back the default explode directory to C:\jboss-3.2.6\server\default\deploy\Test.ear?


    Julio Lopez

    #225050 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you deploying a Web Project and not an Enterprise Project? Does the project name have any dots in it?

    #225057 Reply


    It is an Enterprise project and yes the name does contain a dot in it. Is that what is messing everything up? Should I just recreate my project with a name without a dot in it?

    Julio Lopez

    #225060 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is that what is messing everything up? Should I just recreate my project with a name without a dot in it?

    Yes, the dot is actually a feature we added for JBoss users who needed to be able to deploy projects with custom JAR names (for HAR, SAR, RAR, etc. support in JBoss).

    However, a dot in the EAR Project name should be ignored IMO, I’ll file this so a dev can comment on it and possibly fix it. Sorry for the trouble.

    #225064 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I confirmed that this is a feature, the workaround of which is to remove the dot from your project name, OR add a “.ear” to the end of it, that should fix the problem.

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