
JBoss Server Setup Error

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  • #228620 Reply

    Just installed an evaluation version of MyEclipse on Eclipse 3.1M6 and tried to setup the JBoss server but when I clicked on the MyEclipse\Application Server\Jboss 4\JDK I get the following error message:

    com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss4 was unable to load class com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss4.preference.JBoss4LauncherJVMPreferencePage.

    And a Log entry of:

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 4 1 2005-04-22 15:42:21.976
    !MESSAGE Plug-in com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss4 was unable to load class com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.jboss4.preference.JBoss4LauncherJVMPreferencePage.
    !STACK 0
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jdt/internal/debug/ui/jres/IAddVMDialogRequestor

    Is there another plugin that I need?


    #228622 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is there another plugin that I need?

    Nope, you just likely installed the wrong version of MyEclipse ontop of Eclipse 3.1M6 OR you are using the Platform/RCP/JDT installs and not the SDK install which is required for MyEclipse.

    #228630 Reply

    Pardon my ignorance but how do I know if I am using Platform/RCP/JDT?

    #228632 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The easiest way is to just double check the name of the file you used to install Eclipse, it will likely have JDT, RCP, Platform or SDK as part of the name, you want the one that has SDK as part of the name and is ~85mb, the rest are signifigantly smaller than that.

    If you don’t have the file laying around, check your <eclipse dir>\plugins directory, you should have multiple directories that start with org.eclipse.jdt, org.eclipse.pde and org.eclipse.platform, if you don’t then you need to pull download the SDK.

    #228634 Reply

    I installed eclipse-SDK-3.0.2-win32.zip to the eclipse\plugin directory and that did not seem to solve the problem. I installed MyEclipse EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_030804_3.1M6Beta.exe I have Eclipse Platform Version: 3.1.0 Build id: I20050401-1645 installed. Any ideas?


    #228635 Reply

    I have all the dirs you mentioned in your last post.

    #228636 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I installed eclipse-SDK-3.0.2-win32.zip to the eclipse\plugin directory and that did not seem to solve the problem.

    I have no idea why you did this. You have effectively just unzipped another copy of Eclipse inside of your first copy. I do not know what effect this will have on your install now. I’m hesitant to suggest any solution here.

    Given the circumstances I am going to give you directions on how to start from scratch to setup a working install of Eclipse and MyEclipse. We can then move from there, but I don’t want to backtrack at this point and continue to guess.

    1) The installer file you have for MyEclipse, EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_030804_3.1M6Beta.exe, is fine, keep this handy.
    2) You will need to download Eclipse 3.1M6 SDK, you can get that from here: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops/S-3.1M6-200504011645/eclipse-SDK-3.1M6-win32.zip
    3) Unzip the file you downloaded in step #2 to a new location, for example: C:\Java

    It will create a subdir named “eclipse”, so you will end up with C:\Java\eclipse

    4) Run the MyEclipse installer from Step 1, point it at your C:\Java\eclipse install and have IT install to C:\Java\myeclipse
    5) Go into C:\Java\eclipse and run eclipse.exe, point at your old workspace.
    6) Try and run JBoss

    #228637 Reply

    Oops, I sure screwed that up. :-/

    I re-installed Eclipse using: eclipse-SDK-3.1M6-win32.zip

    #228639 Reply


    I did exactly as you said and it still gives me the same error.


    #228641 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I did exactly as you said and it still gives me the same error.

    I just tried what I posted above and it started up fine (with the same files I asked you to grab) so I’m thinking that there might be an issue with your workspace. Let’s try one thing, then the other if the first one doesn’t work.

    1) Try and restart Eclipse using the -clean command line arg as outlined here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-30.html#343
    This allows Eclipse to rebuild it’s plugin cache. After Eclipse starts up, try and run JBoss again, did it work?

    2) If step #1 did not work, then go to File > Switch Workspace > C:\tempworkspace > Hit OK and let it restart, now try and reconfigure JBoss (Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > App Servers > JBoss 4) and try and start it. Did that work?

    If neither #1 or #2 started, then there is something that we have overlooked and then I will officially be confused.

    #228642 Reply

    Got it!! There was some older MyEclipse class files from a 3.8.? that I installed a while back. I uninstalled using the uninstaller and re-installed and all works.

    Thanks for your help.


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