
JBoss shutdown problem hint [TIP]

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  • #225550 Reply

    Randall Rupp

    I had a weird problem where stopping the jboss appserver with MyEclipse always caused an error. The problem was a result of my moving the JNDI port to something other than the default 1099 (because NETBios was frequently stealing that port on boot up.)

    If you ever move your JBoss JNDI port add the following as a shutdown argument to your JBoss appserver config under MyEclipse:


    where <server> is the jboss server machine, like “localhost” and <port> is your jndi port, like “21099”.

    #225553 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    snapper thank you for posting this helpful tip, I will add it to the FAQ for others with proper credits.

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