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  • #251683 Reply


    sorry if this has already been covered but is it possible to target JDK 1.4.2 with MyEclipse’s Matisse implementation? the applet i’ve generated as a sample throws an exception if i run the 1.4.2 JVM with Tomcat.


    #251701 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You need to use the 1.5 VM to run Eclipse and therefore the Matisse plugin, *but* that doesn’t lock you into using 1.5 to actually run Tomcat. You specify the JDK you want to run your app server with from the app server connector page.

    Also, any app you develop with Matisse4MyEclipse is backward compatible as it’s all just valid Swing. I know to alteast JDK 1.4, but I’m not sure if 1.2 or 1.3 is supported.

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