
JEE 6 Events – Static Analysis Failing in IDE

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  • #330892 Reply

    Tony Herstell

    Using JEE 6 Events:

    @Target(value = { ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
    public @interface OrganisationCreateEvent {

    Given handling method signiture snippit:

    @Observes @OrganisationCreateEvent Set<[color=red]OrganisationUserRole[/color]> organisationUserRole

    called by code:

       // Events
        Event<[color=red]Organisation[/color]> createEvent;

    I would expect the static analysis tools to see this is incompatible; but they do not.

    JEE 6 has made significant progress in strong typing to allow IDE’s to truly help in this area (a leap forward from Spring “strings”)

    Took a long time to spot this as i was so used to MyEclipse being so good at spotting stuff like this.

    Also turns out that you can have a HashSet in an event using Weld…. (Not 100% sure on this however)



    Please advise.

    #330954 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    If you are seeing this issue on ME 10.6, can you please check if you see the same issue in Eclipse 3.7.2 which is the base for MyEclipse 10.6 ?

    Also please attach a sample project which exhibits this issue for us to take a look at our end.

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