- This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by
Loyal Water.
patmethMemberI want to use an existing J2EE application that uses JSTL and and copy it into a JEE project. However, the uri for the JSTL tags in JSP pages show errors. This makes sense since I don’t see any tld files in the new JEE project. The same application works fine as a J2EE project since I can then add JSTL libraries to the build path and reference them in the JSP’s. The tld files explicity show up in a J2EE project when adding the JSTL capability.
Any idea how to handle the JSTL in JEE in the IDE?
Let me clarify that when we deploy a web application into an application server,the J2EE/Java EE libraries are never deployed and they are provided by the application server at runtime.
If we deploy a J2EE project,jstl.jar will include into deployed application because this jar file is part of Referenced Libraries.
If we deploy a JEE project,jstl-1.2.jar will not include into deployed application because this jar file is part of Java EE5 Libraries.So for you to work with JEE application,I would recommend you to copy those required(missed) libraries into context root/WEB-INF/lib manually.
patmethMemberHow does one add Struts2 capabilities to a JEE project? The struts option is disabled in the ‘Project Capabilities?
I am afraid ME currently does not provide Struts2 Capabilities. You can add Struts1.x capabilities only.
The struts option is disabled in the ‘Project Capabilities?
Please Check that do you have Struts capabilities under Project Capabilities of MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench in Preferences Page. You can get it from Window>Preferences.
In the Preferences Page, Expand MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench and again expand Project Capabilities to locate Struts Capabilities.
patmethMemberIs there a Struts 2 plugin available for eclipse so I could download that would work with myeclipse?
Is there a Struts 2 plugin available for eclipse so I could download that would work with myeclipse?
Can you copy and paste your installation detail? To do that open MyEclipse IDE, from the menu options click on MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details.
Loyal WaterMemberIs there a Struts 2 plugin available for eclipse so I could download that would work with myeclipse?
Im not aware of a Struts 2 plugin that is compatible with MyEclipse but the good news is that MyEclipse 8.0 will support Struts 2.