
Jetty 7.2.x support

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  • #313541 Reply

    For hot deployment MyEclipse 8.6 works with Jetty 7.0.2. However, the newer Jetty version 7.2.2 does not work with MyEclipse.

    After deploying a web application, Jetty 7.2.2 startup in MyEclipse fails with this error:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.plus.webapp.Configuration

    The org.eclipse.jetty.plus.webapp.Configuration class was removed from the jetty-plus jar in Jetty 7.2.x.

    Are there plans to update the MyEclipse Servers code to be compatible with newer Jetty versions such as 7.2.x?

    #313563 Reply



    I will raise a PR with the dev team.
    Let us know if you have any other issues.

    #313592 Reply


    I m using MyEclipse 8.6.1 trial version. I m unable to find the complete server list in Window—>Preferences—>MyEclipse—>servers. Earlier it was showing the complete list and I was using Weblogic, Tomcat and Jetty with no problem, but now its showing only two:

    Intregrated Sandbox and SpringSource

    I m unable to understand what is the problem, please help!!!

    #313610 Reply



    Can you check if your trail has expired? Its valid only for 30 days.
    If it is expired then please upgrade to Pro edition.

    Please create a new thread for the issue.

    Let us know if you have any other issues.

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