
JPA project migration to 2013 – wrong persistense.xml path

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  • #344412 Reply

    Sam Muthu

    Experts – Could you please help me with the following?

    1) Imported a JPA project which was created in MyEclipse 10.x
    2) Migration assistant popped up and migrated the project.
    3) After migration the following persistance.xml file was generated


    Actual peristence.xml is located at the following path


    My deployment is failing, how to tell myeclipse to refer the actual file when deployed on a server. If built and deployed outside of MyEclipse there is no issue.

    Appreciate your quick response.

    #344421 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. You can remove the persistence.xml that is generated by MyEclipse.

    Can you please send us all the .* files of the project along with the pom.xml from before the migration to help us ensure that the persistence.xml is not generated again upon project migration?

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