
JPA reverse engineer, composite key persist code…

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  • #297315 Reply


    Hi there,

    I have created a database with 2 tables, such that one links within a composite key to the other as follow:

    Business (BusinessID<primary key auto-inc>) -> one-to-many -> jobs (BusinessID<foreign key>, JobsID<primary key auto-inc)

    A Business can have many jobs so i have a Business table with a primary key of BusinessID and a jobs table with a composite primary key of BusinessID and JobID, with BusinessID as a foreign key created with the tooling (which is fantastic). I also used cascade on update and delete when I was generating the entities.
    Here is the DDL for the jobs table so you can see the detail:
    “”” (tooling created)

    create table `test`.`job`(
    `jobId` INT not null auto_increment,
    `businessId` INT not null,
    `description` VARCHAR(128) default ‘none’ not null,
    primary key (`jobId`,`businessId`)

    alter table `test`.`job`
    add index `fromBusiness`(`businessId`),
    add constraint `fromBusiness`
    foreign key (`businessId`)
    references `test`.`business`(`businessId`)
    on delete cascade
    on update cascade ;
    create unique index `PRIMARY` on `test`.`job`(`jobId`,`businessId`);
    create index `fromBusiness` on `test`.`job`(`businessId`);

    I can create a Business. I then find the Business and try to create a new job for it:
    “”” (custom code)
    // if business has required name
    if (oBusiness.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(“myNewBusiness”)) {
    System.out.println(“creating a job for business : ”
    + oBusiness.getName());

    JobDAO oJobDAO = new JobDAO();
    Job oJob = new Job();
    oJob.setDescription(“a new job description”);

    The code, inside a JUnit causes the following error:
    Caused by: <openjpa-1.2.0-r422266:683325 nonfatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: Field “Job.id” of “Job@18adae2” can not be set to “null” value.

    As you can see from the Job DDL, JobId is an auto incrementing field. I get errors of a different kind if I try and set it manually, which I dont think should be done for auto-increment fields. This was the case when creating a new Business row in the Business table.

    My question is, with creating a new object with a compound primary key, how should I do it ? I thought above would work ?

    Should I not express the foreign key and manage the integrity myself ?

    #297495 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Before going into detail, for auto increment columns a @GeneratedValue annotation on the key is important. However, this is not always generated, depending on your database and driver – which database are you connected to? I’m assuming MySQL from your SQL – which version?

    If you modify the generated Java code and add the @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) it may work. For example

    public Long getId() { 
            return id; 

    However, since you have a composite primary key (your code probably has @EmbeddedId, not @Id) where one column is auto increment, I’m not really this will work or if JPA will even support such a case; I could not find a way to specify additional detail to the @GeneratedValue annotation. Hope this helps.

    #297499 Reply


    Thanks very much for giving me hope Brian.

    For now I have decided to manage the composite key manually by additional code, which is not that much. If this is DB dependant I could run into problems if I change DB’s for any reason, based on your reply. Its mySQL v5.1.33 at present.

    Thank you again.

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