
JSF Debugging

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  • #245609 Reply


    I’m start working with Myeclipse an JSF
    My First Project is the Login Demo.

    I have some Problems to Debug the Application.

    How can I get a higher Loglevel where I can see when witch bean is called and witch Methods are called.

    Can I set a attribut in faces.xml ?

    #245631 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Rather than looking at logging, couldn’t you simply set some breakpoints in your Java code and debug the application to see what’s going on?

    #245637 Reply


    @support-scott wrote:

    Rather than looking at logging, couldn’t you simply set some breakpoints in your Java code and debug the application to see what’s going on?

    OK but where can I set Breckpoints in a JSF Projekt.

    I guess that my form Data is never Post to the Server.

    But where can i see whats going on ?

    #245640 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    OK but where can I set Breckpoints in a JSF Projekt.

    If you’re using our LoginDemo application, you should set breakpoints in every method of UserBean.java to see what’s going on.

    #245642 Reply


    Of course I can Debug the Bean

    But I have the Problem that Bean Bean Code never called !

    Is there no chance to tell the JSF Renderer to give me more Output ?

    #245701 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You should be seeing an error in your browser window, what is it?

    You should also be seeing an error in your Eclipse console view, what is it?

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