
jsf error messages not shown on screen but on console why ?

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  • #290067 Reply


    hi all

    I have my jsf project working fine but when I used the tiles I got the error messages on the console instead of the screen site as it used to be.

    Ther is a warning message saying
    INFO: WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, but may not have been displayed

    I use Myeclipse 6.1 full subscription , Mysql 5 , JBoss 4.2.2

    how to ficx this with gratitude


    #290079 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you make the change in your code as suggested here:-

    Let me know if that helps.

    #290143 Reply


    Dear Nip

    There is nothing with my code as it is the same one without tlles and it worked before the tiles use.

    The only difference is that I removed the <f:view> from all the JSPs to put one inr mainLayOutTemplate.jsp which has subview

    <f:subview id=”body”>
    <tiles:insert attribute=”body” flush=”false” />

    by removing the tag f:view from all JSPs, the tag loadBundle in those JSPs needs <f:view>.

    therefore the bundle i s not found then the displaying occurs on the console instead. the screen.

    So the solution should lie when there is a way to use f:bundle globally like in the faces-config.xml or or else.

    many thanks


    <f:loadBundle basename=”bundle.messages” var=”message”/>

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