
JSF Forwarding problem

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  • #232066 Reply


    I am using Eclipse 3.1 with MyEclipse 4.0 M2. I have run through the JSF Login demo, and while the webapp loads and I can view userLogin.faces, when I click on the Login button, the browser always returns to userLogin.jsp. I know that UserBean.login() is getting called, because it reaches a breakpoint I set in there.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    I did notice that the jars added to the project by 4.0M2 differ from those in the JSFLoginDemo that I downloaded from MyEclipseIDE.com.

    #232111 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Put a breakpoint in right before the return statement, what string is getting returned? Have you double checked the return string to your navigation cases in your faces-config.xml file?

    Also the JARs are different becasue the demo was done quite a while ago, the JARs we ship in 4.0 Milestone 2 are latest stable RI and MyFaces.

    #232184 Reply

    Werner Punz

    I second the recommendation, the refresh is a typical sign that a string value is returned from the action which does not match the forwarding in the faces-config, so the most likely problem is a typo in this case.
    The forwarding via actions and strings works in jsf and myfaces, I am using myfaces myself and have for almost 6 months now

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