
jsf tiles and links does not respond

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  • #288068 Reply


    hi alll

    I am so surprised that I have my tiles program working and when I use it in my application of login then it does not.

    I have my login application working too as login does link to a java file that returns success or failure then it fowards to the right file as in stated in the faces-config.xml.

    but when I use the tiles this limks does not respond. There is no error message i,e.

    if there is error I should get exceptions but I am sure4 no error but the browser or somewhee can not recognise the faces-config.xml navigations.

    If the problem is not clear then I can post some codes

    many thanks


    #288077 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Im not sure what the issue is here. Maybe some user on the forums could help you out.

    #288088 Reply


    hi dear

    what I meant simply is that whenever I click on a link it takes me to the same page.

    The example uses jsf, J2EE5, , JBoss,4.2.2 and MyEclipse.
    the link goes to a bean, does the job but the return should be directed as in the faces-config.xml butin stead, it goes to the same page !!!.

    no error thrown.

    thanks a lot

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