hi all dearlove colleagues
I do run jsf-struts tiles successfully on MyEclipse 6, J2EE 5 and JBoss
but I have to use html tags in the jsf files not jsf tags as in my attempt three below
I tried next attempts :
1 – attempt one I added in the faces-config.xm the next
// but I get compile error
:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.myfaces.application.jsp.JspTilesViewHandlerImpl
2 – attempt two
iI added myfaces.jar and myfaces-extensions.jarbut I get rror as next
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlDataTablePhaseListener cannot be cast to javax.faces.event.PhaseListener
3 – Attempt three
// if I use next deploy ok it does not recognise the jsf tags so Ihave touse html tags.
So I may need some more jars in the lib to rectify the error
thanks a lot