
JSP Builder should ignore JSPs outside web-root[Enhancement]

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  • #198140 Reply

    The myeclipseide jsp builder seems to recognise all jsp files in the whole project. This is especially obstructive in our projects, because our ant build process creates a build subfolder with copies of all project jsps in it which should be ignored by the eclipse jsp builder. I would prefer a solutions simalar to the source folders used by the java builder.

    #198142 Reply



    The rationale for why the JSP compiler reacts to JSP’s outside of the web root is that we initially felt we would have a higher support burden answering questions for why the JSP’s outside of the web root are not being compiled. What we are learning is that such decisions should be made a user configurable option. I have submitted this case to our development group for an enhancement consideration. What is being discussed is a user preference that defines how JSPs outside of the web root should be addressed, e.g., error, warning, do not evaluate, …

    MyEclipse Support

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