- This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 7 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
simonMemberI have gone thru the User Guide to create the helloWorld.jsp and the HelloWorld servlet. When I right-click on the HelloWorld project name and select MyEclipse, I don’t have the Deploy and Undeploy option. Instead, I have the option to “Add and Remove Project Deployments…”. This opens up the “Manage Deployments” dialog box. I add JBoss 3 as the server and point to the right folder. I select “Exploded Archive” and complete the dialog box.
Now, when I type in the http://localhost…….helloWorld.jsp, the page is displayed without problem. But the problem is that I have to start JBoss *outside* of MyEclipse environment. If I select from the menu icon to start JBoss, I get an error message of:
A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt:Jboss JDK nameI look at the Preference, but I cannot see what’s wrong. As a matter of fact, if the server is not setup correctly, I should not be able to view the JSP page on the browser.
When I select the Debug Perspective and insert a break point, after I refresh the browser as instructed by the user guide, nothing happens. I suspect it is related the problem of starting JBoss within MyEclipse.
Please help to resolve this problem. Thanks.
Scott AndersonParticipantSimon,
I don’t have the Deploy and Undeploy option. Instead, I have the option to “Add and Remove Project Deployments…”.
What you see on the menu is correct. It’s a “documentation bug” that we’ve already logged and will address later.
A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt:Jboss JDK name
This is one of the most asked questions. We tried to address it very specifically in the JDK configuration documentation in the bundled Help. Here’s the deal. All application servers need a full JDK in order to execute because they need the java compiler in tools.jar, which isn’t shipped with a JRE. So, you need to add a full JDK to Eclipse and be sure to point the home directory for it to the top-level, not to the internal ‘jre’ subdirectory that it contains. The connector checks that the home directory for the JDK you’ve configured has a subdirectory called ‘jre’, or it won’t start.
Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to start JBoss without any more complaints and will enable debugging.
MyEclipse Support
simonMemberSince I am still relatively new to Java development, so please bear with me.
When I installed Eclipse 2.1, I have already defined the path to the J2SE SDK. Isn’t it enough? Or do I have to go to Preferences->JBoss3 and explicitly add the J2SE SDK path to the JBoss JDK name?
Please advise. Thanks.
Scott AndersonParticipantYou need to explicitly go to the JBoss JDK page and tell it which of your installed JDK’s you’d like to use to launch the server. And again, the JDK selected must point to the top-level of a full JDK and contain a ‘jre’ subdirectory. Then, you’ll be good to go.
MyEclipse Support
simonMemberI can start JBoss within MyEclipse IDE now. The textbox labels on the JBoss>Add JVM dialog box are not very intuitive, but I figured that out. Now, I have another problem…. well, I am not sure if it is really a problem or just a user error, ha.
Even though the “Hello World” JSP page is deployed correctly (I think, because even though I add the project into the Manage Deployment dialog box, there is nothing to tell me it is indeed deployed or not) and I can view it on the browser, I still want to test the JSP debug feature. Therefore, I put a break point on the out.println(). When I refresh the browser, I am getting an error message on the _jspService tab:
Source not found for helloWorld.jsp._jspService(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse)line:29Line#29 is the out.println(). But what does this error message mean?
Also, when I look into the JBoss folder, I don’t see any WAR file. Does it mean the deployment is in fact not successful at all? (I am comparing to my previous web projects that I deployed to JBoss and they all have a corresponding WAR files).
One more thing….. in the debug perspective, the Debug pane has a Resume, Suspend, and Terminate button. By clicking on the Terminate button, I assume I am stopping the debug ONLY. But I find that it stops JBoss as well. Is it a bug?
Thank you very much.
Scott AndersonParticipantSimon,
Glad you got the JBoss launch figured out.
I still want to test the JSP debug feature. When I refresh the browser, I am getting an error message…But what does this error message mean?
Source level JSP debugging does not work with JBoss yet because JBoss neither Jetty (JBoss Web) nor Tomcat 4 support JSR-045 yet and JBoss only integrates with these two web servers at the moment. When JBoss bundles a version of a web server that is JSR-045 compliant, then source level JSP debugging with JBoss will begin to function. Currently, only the Tomcat 5 and Bejy Tiger web servers support JSP-045, and we can also provide source level debugging for JSP’s in WebLogic 7 & 8. On the others, the limitation is on the server’s side, not in MyEclipse.
To work around this issue, I’d suggest you follow the best practice of minimizing the amount of Java code in your JSP’s and use supporting Java classes instead. All Java classes will be available for debugging when deployed to JBoss.
Also, when I look into the JBoss folder, I don’t see any WAR file
When you deploy to JBoss, your deployment is placed in the ‘deploy’ directory of the configuration that you’ve launched. If, for example, you’ve set the configuration to ‘default’, the deployment directory is <jboss>/server/default/deploy. Within this directory, you’ll either have a directory named <projectname>.war, or an archive named <projectname>.war, depending on whether or not you chose exploded or archive deployment.
To get started with MyEclipse, and try out JSP debugging, I’d highly recommend that you walk through the web project setup and debugging tutorial in the include Help documentation. Going through this little excercise will get you moving much more quickly than just trying things out.
the Debug pane has a Resume, Suspend, and Terminate button. By clicking on the Terminate button, I assume I am stopping the debug ONLY. But I find that it stops JBoss as well. Is it a bug?
No, this isn’t a bug. It is the normal Eclipse debug functionality. The proper way to shut down JBoss is to use the ‘Stop’ item on the JBoss menu that you used to launch JBoss.
MyEclipse Support
simonMemberWhen you deploy to JBoss, your deployment is placed in……<jboss>/server/default/deploy. Within this directory, you’ll either have a directory named <projectname>.war
“<jboss>/server/default/deploy” was the location where I looked, but I was looking for a .war file and I didn’t expect to have a WAR folder. I found it now.
Source level JSP debugging does not work with JBoss yet because JBoss neither Jetty (JBoss Web) nor Tomcat 4 support JSR-045 yet
I am sure JBoss will include in their next release the support of JSR-045, if they want to compete. =)
As always, Scott, your replies are quick and accurate. Thank you very much for your help. I will continue the exercises in the User Guide.
Scott AndersonParticipantAs always, Scott, your replies are quick and accurate. Thank you very much for your help.
We aim to please! 🙂
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