
JSP debugging,put breakpoints [Closed]

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  • #199165 Reply


    my environment:
    eclipse 2.1.1
    myeclipse 2.6.2
    JDK 1.4.2_01
    tomcat 5.0.12

    I followed the example(helloworld),I create web project and JSP.
    I can’t get any breakpoints in JSP editor with myeclipse web project.
    JSP assist is invalid(warning:Could not indentify a J2EE project for file.Make sure that it is in a web module) and there is no JSP/HTML Source and Preview modes in jsp editor.

    Is there something wrong?

    #199166 Reply


    after delete lomboz,everthing is ok!

    #199167 Reply


    Why is not myeclipse and lomboz together in eclipse?

    #199168 Reply


    The biggest issue we have supporting MyEclipse and other plugins with overlapping functionality is that frequently users confuse bugs and operation problems in these other plugins with MyEclipse problems. As a support guy, I hate those situations because it costs my team time and money spent on a competitiors product and because our product reputation gets bruised. We would hope that you find MyEclipse compelling enough to drop other such products. If not please post what it will take to make this so to the Feature forum. Please don’t post a request like give MyEclipse away since that would mean the end of Scott and me. 😉


    MyEclipse Support

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