
JSP Designer is very slow to open a .jsp file

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  • #238845 Reply

    Eric Raymond

    It takes on the order of five seconds for MyEclipse to open a JSP file.
    This is just enough to make me think twice before I open a page up.

    Is there a way to speed this up? I’m under Linux so there is no WYSIWYG mode. I rarely use preview mode.

    Using Ecplise 3.1.0 with the latest MyEclipse.

    #238860 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you right click on the JSP file and open the file with the “Classic” editor, does it open any faster? What command line arguments are you using to start MyEclipse with? We suggest atleast: -vmargs -Xmx256m

    #238942 Reply

    Eric Raymond

    The classic editor feels about the same. A text editor is instaneous. The problem has more to do with the deplay of the initial display of the page. My guess is that ecplise is doing all sorts of calcultions before rendering the page. It would be great if you could display the page (perhaps as pure text) and then update the views once the information is parsed. In most case you would be done with the update before theuser took an action.

    FYI, I use -vmargs -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib -Dide.gc=true -Xmx700m -Xms200m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

    #238951 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Your flags look right, and your assessment of the editor is correct, it is quite complex doing 100x more calculations and parsing than the plain text editor (which acts more or less like a simple view). I checked our tracker and we have quite a few performance issues filed, so we are far from done tightening things up and making it perform better, hang in there while we beat on it.

    #239199 Reply

    Eric Raymond

    OK. This editor is the only one I’ve ever had problems with in terms of startup speed. If an option to disable design view would speed things up, I’d take advantage of it.

    #239201 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m looking into your suggestion, it is a good one and may already be planned.

    #239225 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    After discussing this with the dev team, it seems if you use the “classic” editor, there is no overhead in creating the designer tab, so this will provide you the fastest open method you are looking for right now.

    #240023 Reply

    This topic has answered my question as well, except how can I set my default JSP editor to the ‘Classic’ view instead of changing it for each JSP file individually?


    #240034 Reply



    You can go to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations . Then scroll down to the *.jsp file type. You should see 2 MyEclipse editors registered, the JSP Designer and the ‘Classic’ JSP Editor. Select the ‘Classic’ editor and then press the “Default” button. This should make the Classic editor the default editor.

    #243431 Reply

    This answers my direct question, but what about improving the speed of the designer so it can start much quicker?

    #243432 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    This answers my direct question, but what about improving the speed of the designer so it can start much quicker?

    We’re always working on it.

    #261495 Reply

    Please don’t miss the point here. Like most developers I want it all. I want the higher end features of the full JSP editor, but I also want it to perform well or I simply won’t use it and will thus lose the benefits.

    As I see it, using the standard editor is just a temporary work around. I take it there are no estimates on time to a solution?

    #261501 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The new designer in our 5.0 release was quite a bit better than what had been there previously, are you still experiencing poor performance with 5.0?

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