
JSP Designer on Windows 2K requires IE6

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  • #234808 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    The new JSP designer doesn’t refresh properly or allow new elements to be placed on the screen…

    What operating system and version are you running?
    Windows 2000

    What Eclipse version and build id are you using? (Help > About Eclipse Platform)
    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435

    – Was Eclipse freshly installed for MyEclipse?

    What MyEclipse version are you using? (Help > About Eclipse Platform > Features)
    4.0 M3

    What JDK version are you using to run Eclipse? (java -version)

    What JDK version are you using to launch your application server?

    What steps did you take that resulted in the issue?
    Edited an existing JSP file with JSF tags in it using the new JSP designer.

    What application server are you using?
    WLS 8.1/Tomcat 5.0

    Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? (<workspace>/.metadata/.log)

    #234810 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    P.S. I keep trying to attach the stacktrace but the forum won’t let me.. I keep getting a “forbidden” error.

    #234817 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    More important than a stacktrace would be a small JSP file with specific instructions we can use to replicate the behavior you’re reporting. Unfortunately, your description isn’t specific enough for us to be able to replicate the problem. We need a test case that we can send to development so that we can be sure to fix your specific issue for 4.0GA.

    #234818 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Hi Scott,

    Actually I had the problem with *any* JSP I used. Even in a new web project…

    Hopefully these error messages will help:

    !ENTRY com.genuitec.eclipse.webdesigner 4 0 2005-08-15 09:16:05.60
    !MESSAGE COM object method returns error code: 0x80040100; Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered
    !STACK 0
    com.jniwrapper.win32.com.ComException: COM object method returns error code: 0x80040100; Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered

    !ENTRY com.genuitec.eclipse.webdesigner 4 0 2005-08-15 09:16:05.471
    !MESSAGE COM object method returns error code: 0x80004002; E_NOINTERFACE (No such interface supported)
    !STACK 0
    com.jniwrapper.win32.com.ComException: COM object method returns error code: 0x80004002; E_NOINTERFACE (No such interface supported)

    #234820 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Well, that’s peculiar, since we obviously wouldn’t have shipped if that happened at all here. 🙂

    What version of IE is installed on your system? We need IE 5.5 or later to operate effectively.
    Also, can you restart with -clean (eclipse.exe -clean) and see if tha tresolves the issue?

    #234821 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    The IE Version is 5.50.4807.2300, 128-bit With update versions SP2, Q832894 and Q903235.

    I’ve tried retarting with -clean and with a new workspace folder. In both cases – no joy. Same errors.

    What OCX is MyEclipse looking for in that case, anyway? Perhaps it’s a control that I have an outdated version of.. I’d be willing to try a different one if you have one for me to test out (I’ll back up the old one of course.. 🙂 )

    #234878 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’ll have to get someone else with more COM experience to go further with this. But, just to make sure that “all my jsp files” don’t contain something we haven’t seen, can you post one in this thread with steps to reproduce the problem? That way we can be sure it’s a config problem and not just something we haven’t tested with for some reason.

    #234882 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Steps to reproduce…

    Start Eclipse
    – At this point I choose a new workspace with nothing in it..
    Go to the workbench.
    Click the “New” button. In the My Eclipse Hive select J2EE Projects | Web Project
    Click Next
    Enter a project name (“foobar”).
    Set the J2EE Specification Level to 1.3
    Check the “Add JSTL libraries to WEB-INF/lib” option
    Choose 1.0
    Click Finish.
    Click “Yes for switching to the MyEclipse perspective”.
    Click the New button.
    In the MyEclipse | Web hive choose JSP
    Click “Next”
    Leave the defaults and click “Finish”.

    At this point if I try to go into the designer view and add anything to the new JSP page I get the error in the log file I mentioned. Also the the IDE hangs on shutdown. If I click the green “refresh design view” button the designer will also hang up.

    #234886 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I tried all the steps above and since you didn’t specify what you added, I used a horizontal ruler and a hyperlink on the default text and it worked fine. There seems to be something different with your install. By the way, the COM exceptions are necessarily problematic.

    Once you get the page so that it won’t resync, can you click on the source tab and paste it here?

    #234888 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Sure… Sorry I forgot to say so, but in my case it was adding a table component that caused the crash.

    I’ll re-install on my home office machine (WinXP Pro) and let you know what happens.

    #234894 Reply

    David Orriss Jr


    Why don’t you ‘put a hold’ on this problem until I get back to my office tomorrow.. I’ll flush out the the MyEclipse installation and the Eclipse directory *completely* and make sure it installs fresh. I *think* when I uninstalled M2 at the office something didn’t clean up correctly. Anyway I’ll know more tomorrow and let you know.

    BTW.. the new JSP designer is *sweet*…

    #234898 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Sounds good we’ll hold until we hear back from you.

    BTW.. the new JSP designer is *sweet*…

    Thanks a lot for that. Some of the devs have sweated blood over it (and still are, with final tweaks) so I’ll be sure to pass that along.

    #234903 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    You are quite welcome.. I’m a hard-core JBuilder bigot.. But I have to tell you the stuff you guys do really makes Eclipse very attractive… And extremely usable.. Thanks for the hard work.

    #234962 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Hey, if we can convert the JBuilder Enterprise guys, then we’re doing well. 🙂
    Please followup once you’ve done the reinstall and let us know how that goes. I hope it’s just that simple.

    #234973 Reply


    Hello Dave,

    I’ve been following this thread and I’d like to ask a few questions just to clarify how you are getting these exceptions.

    – Is it just the table component that causes the exceptions or does it happen with other components?

    – Can you load a JSP file that only contains text, images, links, scriptlets, etc?

    – Do you get the exceptions when you add the table from the design palette, or do you get the exceptions when you are in split mode and you are typing in a new <table> in the source?

    – Can you start your eclipse from a console? If you can, please try to replicate the problem where you say you can’t shutdown the IDE, there might be additional errors that will print out to the console but not to the eclipse log. These errors will prove useful.

    We want to understand your problem fully because we have never see this in testing. So, we need to qualify everything about your environment and use-case. Thanks for your patience.

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