
JSP designer question [Closed]

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  • #235128 Reply

    I’ve just installed MyEclipse4.0 and it’s a disaster 🙁 I can’t open JSP files. When I try to, a progress information window pops up telling me that the designer is opening. After that I can see an error window for a moment – I couldnt read its content, it quickly disappeared. The progress window closes and a new tab appears, but after clicking on it the whole process reruns. Do you have any clues, or should I switch back to 3.8? Thanks.

    #235142 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Could you please answer all the questions asked in Posting Guidelines at the top of this forum? That will help us quickly analyze your problem.

    You’re facing an issue with our new JSP Designer. Until you answer our questions, you can continue using the old Editor by right clicking the file in the Package Explorer and choosing Open With > MyEclipse ‘Classic’ JSP Editor in the context menu.


    #235191 Reply

    Hello Brian,
    i’ve searched the forums before, but didnt find useful information. I did it again after your reply and tried to search using the exception i found in the log file. And I succeed. I found this post: http://www.myeclipseide.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=8532 and it works. Thank you, sorry for the inconvenience.

    #235209 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I’m glad you got it working. It was no inconvenience to us, quite the contrary, in fact 🙂


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