
JSP editor doesn’t understand EL

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  • #235311 Reply


    Installed 4.0M3 in eclipse 3.1 on windows XP… neither the “classic” jsp editor or the designer understand JSP2.0 expression language. It flags any EL stuff as “unknown attribute”. WTP JSP editor handles EL just fine.

    #235345 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please post an email JSP page so we can replicate what you are doing locally.

    #235354 Reply


    “email”??? Not sure what you mean by “email”… I’m talking about EL… that’s “Expression Language”… as in the JSP2.0/JSTL expression language. That’s stuff in the JSP that looks like ${mybean.myvalue}, which is replaced by the processor by calling the getMyvalue method on a session/request attribute under the key “mybean”. In context, this might look like this:

    <input type=”text” name=”firstName” value=”${userBean.firstName}” />

    Now, I’m not at work now, and I don’t remember if the MyEclipse JSP editor flagged this sort of usage. But I do know that it didn’t understand use of EL outside of an attribute value…. something like this:

    <option value=”1″ ${(pref == userBean.pref)? ‘selected=”selected”‘ : ”} >foo</option>

    This would be in a c:forEach loop with “pref” as the interator variable… it would normally probably have EL expressions for the value attribute and the option element text as well, but I didn’t want to confuse the issue. The difference between this and the first example is that the EL stuff happens outside of an attribute’s quotation marks, so I can see why the html/jsp parser wouldn’t get it… however, WTP seems to handle it fine.


    #235381 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    “email”??? Not sure what you mean by “email”…

    If I ever get a hang of this “typing” thing, I would have said “example”, not sure why I typed email 😉

    however, WTP seems to handle it fine.

    If that is the case the issue will be corrected in MyEclipse 5.0

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