
JSP editor : java code background color [Enhancement]

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  • #207384 Reply


    Hello there,

    JSP editor is one of the most feature I like in MyEclipse plugin.

    I would like to setup background colors for the JSP editor : simple white background color (default) for all static code (HTML) and a pale yellow color for all dynamic code (JSP tags, Java code).

    We could (in previous version of ME) setup “Java code” bg color, but I don’t see the option anymore.


    <% // dynamic => yellow bg
    int a =0; // dynamic => yellow bg
    %> // dynamic => yellow bg
    <p>foo</p> <!– static => white bg –>

    Did I miss something ?

    Anyway, keepup the great work.


    #207385 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is an open enhancement request that we looked at seriously a while back, and it turned out that the Eclipse editor component actually didn’t have support for changing background colors for different pieces of text.

    If this sounds rediculous to you, keep in mind that the editor JUST got support for italic and bold text in 3.0 M9 release. It also got support for “highlight coloring” or something to that extent that we may be able to leverage, but it will have to be done with the 3.0 platform and cannot be backported to Eclipse 2.x platform.

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