
JSP editor question after upgrade to My4M3

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  • #235034 Reply


    * Eclipse Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435
    * MyEclipse Version: 3.9.310
    Build id: 20050808-4.0-Milestone-3
    * Java 1.4.2_08
    * MS XP 2003 SP1

    — problem —
    After upgrade, opening JSP’s with default editor (dbl-click) hangs Eclipse.

    — description —
    Was using earlier MyEclipse version (M2). After email notification used Eclipse facility to upgrade MyEclipse. Following upgrade no JSP’s could be edited. Ecipse interface hung.
    When using context menu (rt-button) to edit a file noted (new) Open with->’MyEclipse JSP Designer’ is default editor for all JSP’s.

    Workaround: Selecting Open with->’MyEclipse Classic JSP Editor’ for each file (100’s) allows normal editing.

    What is Designer?
    Why does it hang?

    — log —
    !ENTRY com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core 1 0 2005-08-16 21:46:01.359
    !STACK 1
    org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: Resource /kabuto/WebRoot/WEB-INF does not exist.

    #235039 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’d suggest two things. First, restart Eclipse with -clean on the commandline to rebuild the installed plugin set (eclipse.exe -clean). That has a way of clearing out lots of odd behaviors since Eclipse tries to cache things even when it shouldn’t.

    The second thing to check is the version of IE you have installed. If it’s not IE 6, you’ll need to upgrade for the Visual Designer to operate properly.

    #235047 Reply


    Thanks for response.
    * Using IE 6.0 SP1
    * Always use “eclipse -clean” after adding / updating components

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