
JSP Editor taking 99% CPU [Closed]

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  • #199788 Reply


    Win2K SP4
    1.4.2_02 Sun JVM
    Eclipse 2.1.1
    MyEclipse 2.6.3

    I just recently upgraded my JVM, Eclipse and MyEclipse to the above versions and now the JSP editior is so slow it is basically unusable. Simply hitting enter at the end of a line pegs my CPU at 99% for several seconds. Typing is almost impossible, as it takes a second or two for each character to appear. The standard Java editior is fine and so is the MyEclipse XML editor, as are all my other Java applications.

    #199789 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    This is a duplicate of this report: https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/jsp-editor-bug-v3-6-3/#post-199701

    The problem occur son JSP files that have deeply nested tables or that are not well-formed. We’ve identified the issue internally and are rapidly working on a fix for it for immediate release. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199790 Reply


    Sorry for the dup. It does not happen with simple JSPs as the other thread mentions. My JSPs are not well formed because I’m using Tiles and some <table> elements span a couple JSPs, i.e. <table> in header.jsp and </table> in footer.jsp.

    #199793 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Sorry for the dup.

    No sweat, but trust me, we’re working hard to make sure that the next release fixes this and any other identified JSP editor issues.

    By the way, techncially the JSP spec mandates that the .jsp suffix be used only for top-level, full, JSP’s and that any other suffix (although it suggests .jspf) be used for included JSP fragments, such as headers and footers. The suffix is used to determine which JSP’s the editor will try to compile and validate, but most likely won’t change this particular behavior as it relates to this issue. However, it might be a workaround to try. If you encounter a different behavior after changing the extensions on these files, please let us know.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199921 Reply


    Upgrading to Eclipse 2.1.2 and MyEclipse 2.6.4 seems to have resolved the problem.

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