
JSP/JSTL Tag code assist

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  • #257648 Reply


    I’ve noticed that when writing out value or items properties in JSTL tags, code assist doesn’t behave quite how I’d like – I thought it was at one time different.

    1) Typing out <c:out value= works fine, but following that with a quote mark does nothing – I had thought at one time it would automagically generate the closing quote for me. If not, it’d be useful to have.

    2) Getting passed the quote and dollar sign to the opening bracket(<c:out value=”${ }” />), the closing bracket is generated for me, but an extra space is inserted before the closing bracket, but after the cursor. Is there a reason for this space? Currently I’m having to delete this space everytime I type an opening bracket in a JSTL tag.

    Neither one is a real issue, but compounded through a number of JSPs, it seems to add up.


    #257727 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I just reproduced this, I think it’s just a poor default that got left in there somewhere, I’ll file it to get removed.

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