
jsp page covered with comments

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  • #247847 Reply

    Ufuk COBAN

    if you design a page that contains comments at the beginning and at the end of a jsp file visual editor behaves strange.try adding or removing a struts or jsf component to the page.

    <!– page start –>


    <!– page end –>

    #248029 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    With a quick test I couldn’t reproduce this, can you paste a full example JSP page for us to use?

    #248035 Reply

    Ufuk COBAN

    open with visual editor

    <!– site_user start –>
    <%@page contentType=”text/html;charset=UTF-8″ language=”java”%>
    <%@taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-html&#8221; prefix=”html”%>
    <%@taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core&#8221; prefix=”c”%>
    <TABLE align=”center” border=”0″ width=”550″>
    <TD colspan=”1″ height=”20″>
    <TABLE border=”0″ width=”200px”>

    <TD valign=”top”>
    </P><TABLE width=”320″>
    <TD class=”header1″ align=”center”>
    Move button here</TD>
    <TD class=”normal2″></TD>
    <P><html:button property=”aaaa” /></P>
    <P align=”center”></P>
    <!– test_page end –>

    #248036 Reply

    Ufuk COBAN

    open with myeclipse designer and move button to different cells. it makes this problem rarely. you will notice that mouse pointer will be the stop sign. designer moves bottom comment to the top of the page.

    #248045 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I can’t reproduce this, I moved the button around to all the cells, even the outter most table 3x around the screen for each cell and the comments weren’t touched. I saved and validated the page each time.

    Can you paste the result of MyEclipse > About > Configuration Summary for me?

    #248711 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Let’s try this again, please paste the result of MyEclipse > About > Configuration Summary, not Help > About > Configuration Summary (the giant mess that was pasted before)

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