
JSP typing delay and editor slowness

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  • #229276 Reply


    I have noticed a general typing lag in a couple of our largest JSPs (around 80 KB in size, and around 1500 lines). It is quite noticeable when you are a fast typer. It is a general lag, and is not dependent on what you are typing in the JSP (ie. custom tags, normal JSP text, Java code). The amount of lag seems like it directly correlates with the size of the JSP. Turning off the “Analyze Annotations While Typing” option does not make any difference.

    Also, with large JSPs, if you highlight a snippet of Java code and hit Ctrl-C to copy the text, there is a huge delay with CPU utilization at 100% for around 10 seconds.

    I’m using MyEclipse 3.84+QF2-BetaFor3.1M6, along with Eclipse 3.1M6.


    #229277 Reply


    Ok, I solved my second question. The hyperlink navigation was configured to be triggered by pressing the “Ctrl” key, so this was being triggered when hitting “Ctrl-C”. Nevertheless, this indicates that hyperlink navigation is really slow in large JSPs.

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