
jspbase problem in debugging jsp in weblogic server

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  • #199372 Reply


    When I debug jsp in weblogic server, everything
    seems ok except that when I step out of the last
    scriplet, it prompt for the source of jspbase.class.
    This problem doesn’t exist in other servers, such as
    Tomcat 5.

    What is the reason. Thank u.

    #199381 Reply


    Clearly there is an environmental difference between the 2 servers. One key difference is the way the servers support JSP debugging. WLS is not JSR045 compliant yet and that forces MyEclipse to handle it slightly differently than Tomcat5 for JSP debugging. Note all J2EE1.4 servers will have to support JSR045. Also I have not looked at the compiled JSPs and the library support provided by these servers so I’m rusty here. One thing you could try doing is to replace the default libraries in the J2EE 1.3 library set with the weblogic.jar and run your WLS debug test.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199407 Reply


    My environment is
    Pentium 4 1.4g with 380 Mb RAM

    Windows 2000 server SP4
    JDK 1.4.2
    Eclipse 2.1.1 + MyEclipse 2.6.2(free downloading)
    weblogic server8.1

    I have changed the J2ee lib from the original settings to including weblogic.jar and tools.jar. But nothing changed. When I step out
    of the last piece of jsp scriptlet code, it always comes with asking
    for the source of jspbase.class or servletsubmit.class.

    Is there any worng setting? Thank u.

    #199409 Reply


    I spoke with our development team on this behavior and their position is that it is due to WLS not being a JSR045 compliant JSP container. It is my understanding that they did some innovative development to get the WLS JSP container to act mostly like a JSR compliant container but you can only push it so far. The behavior you’re seeing when you step out of the scriptlet code is a result of the JSP implementation model of WLS. We really can’t do much more with it until WLS support the JSR045 spec. So treat the nagging “can’t find source” as just that and know that nothing is wrong with your environment.


    MyEclipse Support

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