- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 8 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
I ran into some problems with JspCC reporting what looks like invalid problems, filing them all under this thread as reports so someone can investigate.
chatterjMemberHave JSPs that begin like:
<%@ page contentType=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″ language=”java” import=”java.sql.*” errorPage=”” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/tld/tiles.tld” prefix=”tiles” %>
<title><tiles:getAsString name=”title” ignore=”true”/></title>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
</head>JspCC error (on line 2 starting <%@ taglib….):
Severity Description Resource In Folder Location Creation Time
expected /WEB-INF/tld/tiles.tld”= config-tile-definition.jsp BADFWfolder/BADFW/expresso/jsp/configuration line 2 July 3, 2003 6:01:34 PM
chatterjMemberHere’s the text of another JSP:
<%@ page contentType=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″ language=”java” import=”java.sql.*” errorPage=”” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/tld/tiles.tld” prefix=”tiles” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/tld/struts.tld” prefix=”struts” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/tld/struts-bean.tld” prefix=”struts-bean” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/tld/expresso-bean.tld” prefix=”bean” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INf/tld/expresso.tld” prefix=”expresso” %><struts-bean:define id=”theTitle” property=”title” name=”controllerResponse” type=”java.lang.String”/>
<tiles:insert page=”config-tile-definition.jsp” flush=”true”>
<tiles:put name=”title” value=”<%=theTitle%>”/>
<tiles:put name=”upperLeft” value=”title-tile.jsp”/>
<tiles:put name=”listing” value=”<%=request.getContextPath()%>/Configuration.do?state=showContainerTree”/>
<tiles:put name=”content” value=””/>
</tiles:insert>Here’s the JspCC error:
Severity Description Resource In Folder Location Creation Time
expected /WEB-INF/tld/tiles.tld”= index.jsp BADFWfolder/BADFW/expresso/jsp/configuration line 2 July 3, 2003 5:58:48 PM
chatterjMemberHave code like:
<%@ include file=”jsp/properSetup.inc” %>
<expresso:stylesheet/>Here’s the JspCC error:
Severity Description Resource In Folder Location Creation Time
unknown user tag <expresso:… add <%@ taglib prefix=”expresso” …> intro.jsp BADFWfolder/BADFW/expresso line 17 July 3, 2003 5:34:19 PMThe taglib is defined correctly in the properSetup.inc file. This works fine under Tomcat, Resin.
Scott AndersonParticipantJust so you don’t feel ignored, we’ll be looking into these internally and someone will post back when we have some information.
One thought, if you change the extension from .inc to .jspf, does that work?
MyEclipse Support
Scott AndersonParticipantVia a private message, MyEclipse user gdhokamp had this to say about the problems you’re experiencing:
I had a similiar problem. Removing the errorPage attribute in the page tag will solve the problem. I don\’t know if this is an error of the JSPCC.
GeraldBy the way, Gerald tried to post the reply himself but had problems since he attempted to quote some of the JSP content. The portal software we use, postNuke, disallows HTML posts for security reasons. If you have trouble posting, this is likely the problem.
MyEclipse Support
Scott AndersonParticipantAfter internal review, Gerald is correct. These compilation problems are being caused by specifying ‘errorPage=””‘. When errorPage is specified, a valid URL must be provided. However, the compiler error could be a good bit more clear so we’ll be improving the error message in the next release (GA) of the workbench.
However, you’ll still have to fix the errorPage declaration.
Thanks for reporting!
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