- This topic has 23 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 3 months ago by
RickMemberOn Linux (SuSE 8.2) JSP files open right up when I click on them. On another partition I have Windows 2000 and myElcipse running and the JSP pages take forever to load (between 10 – 22 seconds). In the preferences compile JSPs is turned off. I notice the pages that have struts tags on them are the ones that load very slowly so maybe it is somehow related to these tags on the page (The size of the page doesn’t seem matter though, simply one or two struts tags seems to slow it down)? On Linux though there is no delay at all. This behavior is happening in 2.1, 3.0M3 and 3.0M4.
Thanks for any light someone could shed on this issue.
Alexei BalaganskiMemberI have similar problem with Eclipse 2.1.1 on Windows XP.
Also, code completion works very slowly: every time I type something like “myobj.“, the whole IDE freezes for 20-30 seconds before the drop-down list of class members appears.Unfortunately, I have no idea why it happens…
Scott AndersonParticipantWe haven’t experience delays of this nature ourselves, so we’ll have to dig a bit to find some commonality. Both of these issues could be resource constraint related. What type of hardware do your Windows configurations have? RAM? CPU? If you could each post the answers to all the questions we ask in the ‘Posting Guidelines’ thread, that should help to provide enough context to figure this out.
Additionally, how much RAM is in use while running Eclipse? How much virtual memory is Eclipse consuming? It’s been my experience that if Eclipse is left running for extended periods of time (days) that the heap has a tendency to grow to such a size that it becomes unwieldy. Does restarting Eclipse help the performance?
Or, it might be project related. How big are your projects? Does the same behavior occur with a “hello world” sized project when trying the same operations?
MyEclipse Support
Alexei BalaganskiMemberMy configuration:
Pentium III 667 MHz with 640 Mb RAM (at the moment)Software:
Windows XP SP1
JDK 1.4.1
Eclipse 2.1.1 + MyEclipse 2.6.2 with all latest updates
Additionally I have DbEdit and EasyStruts plugins installedI have an existing project converted to WebProject recently, it includes about 50 .java and 25 .jsp files. Project files are stored on a network drive (samba share).
It took 27 seconds to open a big JSP file that references 6 tag libraries (including struts). Also it took 25 seconds to display the code completion list for the following code:
<% String s = “test”; s = s. %>. Code completion for tags (using Ctrl-Space) works almost instantly, though. Opening a java file of the same size takes about 2 seconds. Code completion list appears in less than a second.Additionally I tried another jsp file, just 5 lines of html with one scriptlet. It took 3 seconds to open it, and 4 seconds to display the drop-down list.
At the moment Eclipse takes about 44 Mb of memory. Restarting Eclipse doesn’t solve the problem.
I made a test on another computer (Athlon XP 1700+, 512 Mb RAM) with the same software configuration. I also experienced long delays, though they were about 15-20% shorter.
Well, I hope this information helps 🙂
Scott AndersonParticipantThanks for the information. In order to perform code completion in a JSP page, all the relevant Java class information must be parsed as must all the referenced tag libraries. This can take a bit of time, but I think the real problem is that your project is accessed across a Samba share. Can you create a duplicate project on your local harddrive and see what the difference in performance between the two is?
MyEclipse Support
Alexei BalaganskiMemberI copied the project to local drive and tried the same jsp file as above. This time I’ve got 15 seconds for opening and 12 seconds for code completion.
Better, but still unpleasant 🙂
Scott AndersonParticipantOK, so half the time was network latency. After the initial delay, does the code completion time improve? I can understand that the initial parses may take some time, given your computer’s CPU speed, but I’d expect it to improve on subsequent completion requests.
MyEclipse Support
Alexei BalaganskiMember@scott wrote:
After the initial delay, does the code completion time improve?
Unfortunately, it does not…
RickMemberI definitely think it is related somehow to the jsp tags. I noticed that on pages without struts of JSTL tags they open up fine.
Concerning the system, I don’t think that is the issue in my case… 1.8mhz, 512ram.
I still find it odd also that on Linux (same system, just different partition) the files open up with no delay.
Thanks for looking into it.
Scott AndersonParticipantRick,
I still find it odd also that on Linux (same system, just different partition) the files open up with no delay.
That really is peculiar. Have you checked your hard drive fragmentation lately? Just an idea.
MyEclipse Support
RickMemberIt’s definitely not a fragmentation issue. Another co-worker working locally on the same web applications copied to his machines is having the same problem with myeclipse. The ones with Struts/JSTL tags are the pages opening slow. Apparently the actual number of tags on the page isn’t the issue, it’s simply whether any of them are on the page. Ones without tags open up fine but even a page with just a few lines of code using struts tags is causing a noticeable delay in opening.
Scott AndersonParticipantWhat’s truly odd is that you don’t see the same behavior on Linux. The code for the two versions is identical, so something must account for the speed difference. What JDK are you running Eclipse with on each platform? Can you think of anything else that is different between the two?
MyEclipse Support
Eclipse 2.1.1, myeclipse 2.6.2, j2sdk1.4.2, win2k sp2, athlon 2Gigs, 512 Megs ram, defragmented 60Gigs HD. (do you need the motherboard model?)
All tlds referenced, no jsp compiling.I’m having the same trouble opening jsp including struts and jstl tags, using myeclipse jsp editor : abnormal very long delay.
I must say that this didn’t happened with 2.6.1, but this last one was giving me eroneous errors. No trouble using an other editor.Dom
No OperationMemberhave u tried to increase the JVM memory size?
Scott AndersonParticipantThat’s actually a very good thing to try. You can adjust the amount of memory that Eclipse get’s on startup by modifying the alias you use to start it by adding additional arguments to the very end of the eclipse.exe command:
-vmargs -Xms128M -Xmx256M–Scott
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