
Just a Little null validation bug in jsf visual designer

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  • #280015 Reply


    I have got a “comparison with null allways evaluates to false” validation error in the visuaj jsf designer.
    I post a sample code:

    <h:inputText id=’idNumerico1′ value=”#{camionSessionBean.param1}”
    onchange=”document.getElementById(‘formFiltro:idNumerico2′).disabled=(this.value == ”); this.form.submit();”>

    <h:outputText value=’Y’></h:outputText>     
    <h:inputText id=’idNumerico2′ value=”#{camionSessionBean.param2}” disabled=’#{camionSessionBean.param1 == null || camionSessionBean.param1 == “”}’ >
    <h:commandLink action=”#{camionSessionBean.actualizarDatos}”>
    <f:param id=’nombrecampoNumerico’ value=”#{camionSessionBean.itemFiltro.itemValue}”></f:param>
    <h:outputText value=”Consultar”></h:outputText>
    </h:commandLink >

    the part that shows the error is the underlined one, that all, thanks, the code bahave correctlly

    #280049 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste your installation details here as well. I’ll get this checked right away.

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