
Just added Hibernate, how can I hide all the class files?

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  • #235206 Reply


    ME4M3, Eclipse 3.1…

    I’ve just done the MyEclipse -> Add Hibernate capabilities.

    I now have about 20 jar’s in my project. My src folder for my classes is on top of this list, my WebRoot is on the bottom, so I have to scroll like crazy through all these things in the middle.

    Is there any way to hide these from the package explorer?


    #235240 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You caught us right in the middle of transitioning our “Capabilities” support to a library-based approach, currently Spring is the only one that has it (so when you add Spring support, a single Library is added to your build path, much like the JRE Library). You can filter out your JAR files by clicking the down arrow in the top right hand corner of your Package view, then clicking filter and using a custom filter for JAR.

    Also you could create a user library from those hibernate JARs and add that instead. Both are fairly good workarounds until we finish moving everything over to library-based containers.

    #235451 Reply


    OK, I’ve filtered *.jar.

    Lookin forward to that new feature 😉


    #235471 Reply


    Will the “moving everything over to library-based container” available in the coming 4.0GA?
    Again, I would say that those long-long list of jars under project root really bugs me(and I believe it bugs everyone). I don’t really understand why those jars physically under WEB-INF/lib can’t be simply displayed under WEB-INF/lib in Package view, it is very natural for a web-nature project. I don’t like the filter-based workaround, I would like to see there IS something under WEB-INF/lib view, that makes feel I didn’t miss anything.

    I hope this problem will be addressed before 4.0GA comes out.

    #235476 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We haven’t customized the default Eclipse Package View, if you create a normal Java Project, and go drop 20 JARs into it and then add them all to your classpath, you’ll notice they all display in the root of your project just like you are seeing now.

    The changeover to all libraries won’t happen entirely in 4.0. I believe Spring and JSF were ported over to the new format, but not Struts/JSTL or Hibernate yet. We want to make sure everyone likes our implementation of it first and there are no glaring omissions before moving over everything.

    All the new infrastructure work will go into 5.0 (new flexiproject, etc.) so my guess is that it will be in that release, or possiblye a 4.x maintenence release. Really depends on how management prioritizes it.

    #236871 Reply


    You may just add name filter pattern “*.jar” – and it will hide all the *.jar files in the project.
    (in package explorer click on filters button on the top, check Name filter patterns and specify the pattern to hide).

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