
JVM Terminated. Exit code=-1 whwn starting myeclipse

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  • #300990 Reply


    I have downloaded and installed myeclipse. the contents of myeclipse.ini files are as follows:
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\Common\binary\com.sun.java.jdk.win32.x86_1.6.0.013\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll

    I cannot start up myeclipse at all. Tryin to start myeclipse gives the error JVM Terminated. Exit code=-1 when starting myeclipse and gives me a dump of various JVM startup arguments.

    if I remove the argument “-XX:MaxPermSize=256m ” from myeclipse.ini, myeclipse starts up but give me out of memory errors when opening the smallest project.

    Please assist with this issue.


    #300997 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into this issue. Can you try by changing the order of precedence of these properties and also bumping up the values?


    #301009 Reply


    Hi Joy,

    Thanks for your response. I tried what you have mentioned but that seems to have the same effect as removing “-XX:MaxPermSize=256M” altogether – myeclipse does start up but gives an out of memory error while working on a small project.

    I also tried running myeclipse with the Oracle/BEA JRockit JVM and it seems to run fine – starts up without changing the .ini file and keeps working without errors. However, whenever I point it to the JVM mentioned in my post above (C:\Program Files\Genuitec\Common\binary\com.sun.java.jdk.win32.x86_1.6.0.013\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll ), it crashes.

    I separately downloaded the latest JVM from Sun (, and the same result. It crashes with this JVM as well.

    Is there a known issue when running myeclipse with the Sun JVM – it is surprising as that is the JVM thats embedded within the myeclipse install as well.

    Though my environment is running with the Oracle/BEA JRockit JVM, this is still a major issue for me as I cannot use it for official development. I need to use an opensource JVM – my intention was to license myeclipse but otherwise keep an opensource development and deployment stack.

    Can you please look into this and help me in resolving this issue. I really need to get my environment working with the Sun JVM! Alternatively, can you point me to anothe open source JVM, besides the one from Sun, that is fully featured and reliable?



    #301046 Reply



    Can you turn on the Heap Monitor (Window > Prefs > General, it’s a checkbox right there) and restart MyEclipse then launch Add/Remove and see how the memory behaves… does it shoot up to the moon then die?
    If you run the Pulse Explorer directly, make software mods there, then Run it, does it work ok?
    I have researched over the net and I came across http://troyworks.com/blog/2008/06/08/eclipse-jvm-terminated-exit-code-1/ A lot of users have suggested few fixes in this post. It seems that there is no single way of dealing with this. It looks like an issue with the base Eclipse. Let me know your findings.

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