
Keep getting "The workbench must be restarted …"

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  • #256809 Reply

    John Sims

    I just installed MyEcipse 5.0.1 GA for eclipse 3.2 under windows and keep getting the following dialog after invoking myEclipse: “The MyEclipse workbench must be restarted to fully complete the installation. MyEclipse will restart now”. The javaw.exe process continues to consume 500+ Meg of memory on my machine and is unusable because the javaw.exe process keeps growing until I kill it.

    any ideas/fixes for this?


    #256870 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    First try restartring using -clean as outlined here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-10280.html

    If that doesn’t work, try using a new workspace using File > Switch workspace and see if the problem goes away.

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