
Keyboard shortcuts in XML editor

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  • #289253 Reply

    Good day,

    I love my CTRL+SHIFT+F to format my code. However, I can’t use the same keyboard shortcut when I manually edit files like faces-config.xml and web.xml. The feature is available under the shortcut (right-click) menu, but the keyboard mapping is not the same.

    Is there anyway that keyboard mapping can be made consistent between the various editors?

    Note: I know that I can configure my own shortcuts. I’m proposing that this be a default in MyEclipse for consistency’s sake.

    Let me know what you think!

    Have a great day,


    #289261 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Sounds like a great request. I’ll add this to the Feature Request list so that the management can take a look at it as well.

    #289263 Reply

    @support-nipun wrote:

    Sounds like a great request. I’ll add this to the Feature Request list so that the management can take a look at it as well.


    #289276 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Update: I have already filed this as an enhancement request and I’ll keep you posted on progress of this enhancement.

    #289280 Reply

    @support-nipun wrote:

    Update: I have already filed this as an enhancement request and I’ll keep you posted on progress of this enhancement.

    Thanks again, I’ll be looking forward to it!

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