Using ME Blue 8.5 or 8.6 when debugging and setting a breakpoint on a file in a project that contains a service, the breakpoint stops on the source file that is in my ‘service tester’ code project instead. Both source files have the same name, and are part of the same package (in different projects), since the ‘server tester’ code is auto-generated using the service’s WSDL.
Is this a known limitation that would require my tester code be in a separate workspace? (A coworker said this type of debugging works fine in some RAD version.)
Also, in 8.6 (but not in 8.5) I am getting repeated instructions to redeploy the tester code even when no change has been done to the code, on restart of the IDE. I assume this is related to the above ‘same source name’ and/or package issue.