
Last MyEclipse 7.0 and IceFaces JSP validation problems

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  • #292170 Reply


    I’m testing the last Myeclipse ide 7.0 and just have 3x little problems with jsp validation.
    My project is using ICEFaces 1.7.2 SP1 library.

    – First, when I’m using the “inputFile” Tag. The attribute “progressListener” only accept:
    “void method()” whereas we must use “void method(EventObject)”. And I’m getting an error.

    Does it exist a solution or is it a JSP validation bug ?
    It is the main problem I have. You can reproduce it with this small ICEFaces tutorial: http://facestutorials.icefaces.org/tutorial/inputFile-tutorial.html

    – Secondly, When a jsp is included into one other, all ICEFaces tags are warning.
    I’m getting “Tag ice:inputFile is missing required parent tag “form” (http://www.icesoft.com/icefaces/component)”

    But the tag “form” is present into the parent JSP…

    – Third, When I’m using ICEFaces datatables, I’m defining the “value” attribute.
    But When this value attribute is re-used into the sub columns tag, JSP validation doesn’t understand and mark a warning: “item cannot be resolved”

    Here is a small example with “item” value:

    <ice:dataTable id="data_List"
            columnClasses="titleColumn, descriptionColumn"
            rowClasses="oddRow, evenRow" styleClass="tableStyle">
            <!-- Title Column -->
            <ice:column id="columnTitre">
                <ice:rowSelector value="#{item.selected}"
                    id="rowselectorList" />
                <f:facet name="header">
                    <ice:commandSortHeader columnName="Title"
                        <ice:outputText id="outputTitleHeader"
                            value="title" />
                <ice:outputText value="#{item.title}" id="outputTitle" />

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards,


    #292171 Reply

    Note, that we are previously using myeclipseide 6.6 and first problem was ok.


    #292203 Reply


    Hello Bal,

    For issue #1 we will look into the issue of the inputFile, that could be a problem with the backing scheme/DTD used for icefaces validation.

    For issue #2, if the <form> is in a parent JSP and you are working in a JSP that is included from that parent, our validator does not know this relationship. So it will not know that you have properly included the <form> as a parent of your <ice:/> tags so you can just ignore that warning.

    For issue#3, it doesn’t look like you have a var=”item” in your datatable component tag. Try something like this:

    <ice:dataTable id=”data_List”
    columnClasses=”titleColumn, descriptionColumn”
    rowClasses=”oddRow, evenRow” styleClass=”tableStyle”

    Hope this helps.

    #292364 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    Great find on #1, we are getting that filed as a bug and fixed shortly.

    #292365 Reply

    Loyal Water

    – Secondly, When a jsp is included into one other, all ICEFaces tags are warning.
    I’m getting “Tag ice:inputFile is missing required parent tag “form” (http://www.icesoft.com/icefaces/component)”

    But the tag “form” is present into the parent JSP…

    Did you use the <jsp:include> tag for including a jsp into another jsp?

    #292496 Reply

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