
License questions

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  • #627435 Reply


    If I buy a single personal license, will I be able to:

    – Use from multiple computers (depending on where I am). Typically, one machine at any given time, unless I am working on clustering features where I am debugging the same app on multiple machines at the same time, as they are talking to each other.

    – Use from multiple versions/instances of Eclipse. I’m migrating some projects, but not all, to a newer Eclipse soon. I’m also looking to separating Eclipse instances by project type… Java and Typescript being the two primary separations right now. So, on one machine, that’s three instances of Eclipse (Oxygen for current Java/Typescript projects, 2019-09 Typescript/Angular and 2019-09 Java for newer or upgraded projects.) I may not need CodeMix for the 2019-09 Java, so may only need CodeMix on two running instances per machine. I do plan on looking into developing new microservices in something other than Java, which could lead to another Eclipse instance dedicated to Go, Python or another platform.

    Separating the Eclipse instances more granularity has solved problems for me, and doesn’t seem to impact memory usage significantly. Most memory usage is consumed from server processes such as WildFly, which won’t increase in a given development scenario with multiple Eclipse instances. The Javascript instance would never launch WildFly, and the Java instance would never launch “ng serve”.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by erik777.
    #627494 Reply



    A single user license can be installed on two development machines, but you may only operate CodeMix on 1 development machine at any given time.
    On a same development machine, you can operate up to two instances of CodeMix at a time.

    Please see this url for more details about the license usage and its restrictions ( scroll down to the bottom) : https://www.genuitec.com/docs/setup/licensing-codemix/

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Genuitec Support

    #658357 Reply

    A. Rick Anderson

    When I switch between two personal machines (mine, and my wife’s), how do I explicitly free up the CodeMix personal license, so that I can use my personal license on the other machine.

    I have installed CodeMix personal license on two iMacs (mine and my wife’s). I only use my wife’s machine at night, when she kicks me out off my computer in our bedroom.

    The last time that I used CodeMix, I was on my wife’s machine. However, despite completely ‘quitting’ Eclipse on my wife’s iMac, CodeMix is locking me out of the license on my iMac. When I look at the license allocation on your website, it shows the license twice, but all the information is the same.

    How do I free up the license, and going forward, what is the proper way to ensure that the License manager knows that I have logged off the license at one machine or the other?

    #658818 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
    Any chance that the CodeMix process is still running in the Task Manager?
    Please share with us the exact message you are seeing when working with the CodeMix installation on the second machine.

    Apologies for inconvenience caused.

    Genuitec Support

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