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  • #349446 Reply


    The MyEclipse 2015 announcement contains this:

    Mobile – PhoneGap
    2015 will include offline build support for both Android and iOS (requires a Mac) along with support for the latest Cordova 3.x release. You can also build using Adobe’s PhoneGap build service.

    From a company’s point of view we have to evaluate PhoneGap and confirm that we are really allowed to use it commercially without license problems.

    As we are buying MyEclipse 2015, do we still have to evaluate PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, etc for commercial usage or is the licensing stuff covered altogether with the MyEclipse 2015 purchase?

    Does anyone have a “lawyer”-answer to this?

    Thank you very much.

    ps: I’m eagerly awaiting MyEclipse 2015 🙂

    #349456 Reply



    The scope of the MyEclipse EULA does not include 3rd party technologies. They are distributed under their own license. We are sensitive to customer concerns regarding 3rd party technologies. As such, strive to only include technologies that have a commercial friendly license such as Apache, EPL and MIT. We provide a list of all 3rd party technologies used by MyEclipse and their licenses at (http://www.myeclipseide.com/module-htmlpages-display-pid-318.html).

    We appreciate your interest and support. Please let us know if you have additional questions on this or other topics.

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