
Linking to JSP files on the file system

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  • #198366 Reply


    I have created a Web Application project and am able to link to my src files (java classes) elsewhere on the filesystem since my project is created in the workspace folder under eclipse.
    The problem that I have is that I cannot link the jsp files in Web Root in a similar manner. I have to import the files from where they are on the file system to the Webroot folder.
    Is there an easier way to do this? Creating the project where the files are originally located isn’t that much of a help either since they do not follow the standard J2EE directory structures.


    #198367 Reply


    As you identify in your note, MyEclipse 2.6 requires web-content to physically reside under a project’s web-root folder. We are discussing extensible web-content model similar to that which you describe. I have not timeframe for if/when such a feature will be available.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198469 Reply

    No Operation

    Guess it is time to restructure your project 🙂
    Or switch to a plattform where soft links are available and solve it on file system level.



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