
ListItem Function displaying incorrectly

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  • #348607 Reply


    I have an app that uses the Listitem control to display a list and allow entry of a number against each item in the list
    Previously I was using the format “List Item Description”( Text only – no input)
    space ( seperator)
    Qty (Input number width=10)
    however when compiling the latest version I found that the Qty field was not displaying on iPhone 3Gs although it would display in the Web Simulator window

    I then tried reversing the order of the fields (Qty First) and then Text and this worked although the Qty field was no taking up half the Listitem and appeared to be ignoring the width command

    I have included a sample code illustrating this erro

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    #348683 Reply

    Hi abhall98,

    I took a quick look at your project. The code you are generating probably messed up, e.g., you don’t need to nest a table in a list-item to hold an input field. See this custom list-item example for some additional ideas. My thought is you should actually layout a list with a list-item. Configure the list-item with a text field widget. Then use the list-item as a template.
    Also we no longer support iphone3 at any level. All of our iphone3 test devices died long ago and they are not supported by apple any longer.

    #348686 Reply


    I used your ListItem sample code as an example, it uses <div> tags
    The problem does not seem to be with the iPhone 3 but is generic to the ListItem process
    I have been able to generate the same results using basic HTML and the <ul> tag
    Under Chrome the system seems to ignore the size and width tags and produces an input field 21 characters wide
    ( with the number spinner 19 char)

    Sample Code
    <li id=”m1-ResList-listItem1″ class=”m1-first m1-clickable m1-highlight m1-hyperlink-internal”>
    <div id=”m1-ResList-listItem1-inner-div”>
    <div id=”m1-ResList-text2″ class=”m1-text”>
    <table width=460 >
    <td align=right >
    <input id=”m1-ResList-txtNoOf1″ class=”m1-textfield m1-textfield-border m1-font-3″ value=”2″ type=”text” name=”txtNoOf[1]”/>
    <td width=300 >EX01 – Excavator</td></table></div>

    <li id=”m1-ResList-listItem1″ class=” m1-clickable m1-highlight m1-hyperlink-internal”>
    <div id=”m1-ResList-listItem1-inner-div”>
    <div id=”m1-ResList-text2″ class=”m1-text”>
    <table width=460 >
    <td align=right >
    <input id=”m1-ResList-txtNoOf2″ width=5 size=5 maxlength=5 value=”1″ type=”number” name=”txtNoOf[2]” placeholder=”12345″/></td>
    <td width=300 >EX02 – Bobcat</td></table></div>

    #348687 Reply


    An even simpler example without any class definitions does the same thing

    <input id=”m1-ResList-txtNoOf1″ type=”number” name=”txtNoOf[1]” value=2 width-5/>
    EX01 – Excavator

    <input id=”m1-ResList-txtNoOf1″ type=”text” name=”txtNoOf[2]” value=1 width-5/>
    EX02 – Bobcat


    #348688 Reply


    Found the Problem
    Bit of a rookie mistake
    It appears that the type (number) ignores the size / width command
    The size command appears to require the vale in quotes

    Sample code:


    <input id=”m1-ResList-txtNoOf1″ type=”number” name=”txtNoOf[1]” size=”3″ value=2 width-5/>
    EX01 – Excavator

    <input id=”m1-ResList-txtNoOf1″ type=”text” name=”txtNoOf[2]” size=”1″ value=1 width-5/>
    EX02 – Bobcat


    #348706 Reply

    Hi abhall98,

    Great news, thanks for closing the loop. Marking thread as closed.

    #348713 Reply


    May be premature
    It looks like there may be a bug in the spinner control

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