
Lomboz migration problem

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  • #222146 Reply


    Hi there! I’m facing some problems when migrating an existing eclipse + lomboz project to my eclipse. It doesn’t seem to reconize the ejb modules, or web projects, and so I can’t deploy, start server in debug mode. Is there a tutorial explaining how to migrate from eclipse lomboz projects?

    #222148 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We don’t have a specific migration tutorial, but the best advice is probably to start with a fresh install of Eclipse + MyEclipse only and then read our Quickstart tutorials in the MyEclipse Application Developer Guide in the MyEclipse Help system or in the Documentation section on the website here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html. Once you have the basics of how MyEclipse works, you should be able to create new projects and migrate your code easily. There’s also another ongoing migration thread here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-5350-highlight-lomboz.html.

    #222376 Reply


    Can I have two copies of eclipse installed on my machine? If that is possible I would do a clean install on my machine and try migrating my project.
    I am facing similar problem .


    #222390 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Can I have two copies of eclipse installed on my machine?

    Absolutely you can. That’s what we recommend for all comparisons / migrations / or major upgrades. Then, you can be sure you can get what you need without disrupting your current configuration.

    Please let us know if you have any specific problems with the migration that aren’t covered in the Quickstart guides.

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