
Low on memory after 15 mins

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  • #271935 Reply


    I’ve just upgraded to 5.5 ga on XP. This time I thought I would make things easy for myself and downloaded the version with eclipse bundled in. I’ve always had good experience with myEclipse and am therefore surprised to see an error message popping up quite often telling me I’ve only got 5% memory left and to change my startup memory options which are shown below and are correct, I believe. This problem occurs with both JDK5 & JDK6 🙁

    java -vmargs

    Anyone else seeing this or have an idea what the problem is?


    #271948 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Hi Colin,
    SImilar *low memory* issues have been reported on Linux and we have a FAQ on how to sort this issue. I know you are working on windows but you can still try out the steps mentioned in this FAQ:-

    Let me know if your problem persists.

    #272565 Reply


    I’ve tried going back to an earlier 1.4 JDK but am seeing this problem on several different machines. It’s beginning to get annoying and is influencing my productivity, something I’m not used to with respect to this product.

    Anyone else seeing this?

    #272574 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    When you launch again can you please turn on Preferences > General > Show heap status. Then, when you get the memory warning again, is the heap status in the status bar at the bottom showing that the heap max is 500M? If not, the memory settings might not have been picked up.

    We’ve only seen this sort of issue when the permgen settings are not correct and have not seen them in other cases. You show your memory settings above, which do look correct. How are you setting these? On the commandline? In the eclipse.ini file? Also, are you using the shortcut created by the all-in-one installer to launch MyEclipse or some other mechanism?

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