
M1 V2.6.1 Send Email Problem

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  • #345961 Reply

    Hello Support,

    Just noticed the following problem:

    If the button action “Send Email” is selected and the following “Email:” is filled with more than one (1) email address the entire TO: line ends up being blanks in the resulting email.

    It makes no difference if the email addresses are separated by a SPACE, COMMA, or SEMICOLON.

    Everything looks OK in the Simulator, and the resulting email displays all addresses etc.
    The problem is observed on iPhone 4 running IOS6.1.3 and iPhone 5 & iPod running 7.0.4.

    This was working OK in the 2.5 release.

    If there is a quick way around this problem, I would very much appreciate it, since I was about to submit my APP to iTunes.

    It would have been nice to have a way to insert the email addresses via a variable, just like the Subject and Body details. It will allow control of To: field from outside the APP.


    See attachment EmailNoTo.mobi

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    #345968 Reply


    >This was working OK in the 2.5 release.

    I don’t recall the email action supporting multiple recipients in native apps. So I looked at the codebase that implements sending email and it does not handle multiple emails in native apps. It will work in a webapp which is irrelevant for this thread. I’ve opened an enhancement request to enable multiple email recipients.

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