
M4M & GroupLayout

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  • #281041 Reply


    I am very happy to see the new version of M4M is using javax.swing.GroupLayout on new forms. I am wondering, though, how do I convert existing forms to using javax.swing.GroupLayout. The javax and jdesktop versions are slightly different, so a simple ‘replace all’ does not work. Also, changing the form seems to continue to use the jdesktop version instead of regenerating using the javax version.

    Please help.


    #281146 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The change only applies to new forms when Java 6 is detected for the project. Sorry, we didn’t add support for converting existing forms.

    BTW, what changed between the two releases? I didn’t know anything did.

    #281220 Reply


    There are some small changes, mostly related to constant names and the use of enumerations.


    #281284 Reply


    I went through the pain staking process of changing all my files by hand. This included the constant and enumeration changes mentioned above, plus some API changes (add() is now replaced by addComponent(), addGroup(), and addGap()) which included rearranging parameters. After all was done I thought I was set…. until I edited a form. Even though it could be read fine, a change would cause it to regenerate old code.

    After some more experimenting I found that changing two values in the .form files will cause it to regenerate using the new javax packages (when a change is made). So much work… and now such an easy solution… such is life.

    For those interested, here is what I did:

    Change maxVersion=”1.3″ to maxVersion=”1.5″
    Change “FormSettings_layoutCodeTarget” from value=”2″ to value=”1″

    Hope this helps someone.


    #281302 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ron I got a knot in my stomach reading the first 2 sentences in your post knowing that it was going to get overritten (regenerated) when you modified the form, but the work around you posted is a great bit of information. Thank you for sending that along.

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